CBMT2021 – International Conference on “Cement-Based Materials Tailored for a Sustainable Future”

20 June 2021

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the International Conference on “Cement-Based Materials Tailored for a Sustainable Future” was held online between May 27 and May 29, 2021.

The conference was co-sponsored by Bogazici University, International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM), American Concrete Institute (ACI), European Ready Mixed Concrete Organization (ERMCO), Turkish Ready Mixed Concrete Organization (THBB) and Ozyegin University.

The Concrete Sustainability Council (CSC) contributed to the session “New materials and methods for sustainable structures”, with a presentation providing detailed information on the “CSC-certification for concrete and its supply chain”, given by Dr. Christian Artelt, CSC Chair. The session was chaired by Asli Özbora and reached a wide and very